Compact series DVB-T2 transmitters CT-T 




RF Output Frequency Range

UHF Band IV/V, 470 to 862 MHz

Transmission Standards


RF Channel Bandwidth

6, 7, or 8 MHz 

Rated Output Power

Up to 250 Watts (before mask filter)

Output Power Reduction Range

0 to -10 dB




RF Output Connector

1 x Type N Female, 50 ohms, rear access

Transport Stream Inputs


2 x BNC, 75ohms terminated (50 ohms connector per ASI rec.), configurable as SPMTE 310M, DVB-ASI, or DVB-T2MI
1x TSoIP Gigabit inputs (1 out of the 4 Ethernet ports will be enable for TSoIP 1Gb)


10 MHz Reference Input

1 x BNC, 50 ohms, rear access, -7 to +20 dBm, <20 dB return loss

10 MHz Reference Output

1 x BNC, 50 ohms, front access


1 front, RJ-45, customer access
1 rear, RJ-45, DHCP enabled network interface (SNMP)

Parallel Remote Control

1 rear user remote

GPS Antenna Input

1 x SMA, 50 ohms, rear access (optional)

RF Monitor Output

1 x SMA, 50 ohms, front access


AC Power


AC Power Input

110 to 230 V AC, auto-ranging, ±15%, 47 to 63 Hz

Power Factor

>0.96 (typical 0.98)




Operational Temperature Range

0° to 45° C (32° to 113° F)

Storage Temperature Range

-40 to +70° C

Relative Humidity

0 to 95%


Up to 4,000 m (13,100 ft) above sea level, derate 2° C (3.6° F) per 300 m (984 ft) of elevation

Cooling Method

Forced air-cooled, airflow front to rear

Acoustic Noise

≤65 dBa (front 1 m)





DVB-T: ETSI EN 300 744
DVB-T2: ETSI EN 302 755




COFDM Transmitter Performance



RF Power Stability

±0.5 dB


RF Load Impedance

50 ohms


Operating Load VSWR

Up to 1.4:1 at full power


Maximum VSWR

Protected against open or short circuit, all phase angles.
Automatic VSWR foldback with user adjustable threshold.
Factory pre-set to 1.4:1


Shoulder Level

<-42 dB (typical <-50 dB)



>37 dB (typical >40 dB)


Frequency Stability

±150 Hz/month without PFC/GPS (2.3 x 10-7)


Frequency Offsets

1 Hz increments


Input Bit Rate

DVB-T: 4.976 to 31.668 Mbit/s
DVB-T2: up to 50.28 Mbit/s


Phase Noise

10 Hz <-55 dBc/Hz
100 Hz <-85 dBc/Hz
1 kHz <-90 dBc/Hz

10 kHz <-95 dBc/Hz
100 kHz <-112 dBc/Hz
1 MHz <-130 dBc/Hz


Spurious Output

<-60 dBc (after mask filter)



<-60 dBc after mask filter, <-35 dB before mask filter 



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